Chronicles of a Farm Wife, 1891-1903
Originally published in the Third Age News: June 2001; updated in 2006 by the Womens Legacy Project (WLP Story Number 9) and again in 2018 on Please see that link for the most recent version.

The Monsey family came west from Ohio in about 1888, first settling in Snohomish and then, in 1890, taking a forty acre preemption claim near Hartford, a railroad junction northeast of Lake Stevens. They brought four girls with them, ranging in age from nine years to eighteen months. In an article describing their arrival, which Mabel wrote for a publication back east, she told of their trek from the train station at Hartford to their new property: “ …we walked the mile and three-quarters down the railroad track, then one-quarter of a mile to our new home, over a good road. … on either side of the road, was dense forest, and to see the sun one must look straight up.”
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